Assembly Member Stefani L. Zinerman is honored that you are participating in the inaugural “Career Pathways Conference” for the 56th Assembly District. Here is the agenda with your panel beginning at 11:15am:
10:30am Welcome and Introduction of Assembly Member Zinerman
10:35am Assembly Member Zinernman’s Remarks
10:45am Employer/Stakeholder Introductions
11:00am Aviation Pipeline Presentation: P.S. 5, Madiba Prep, P-TECH, Aviation 4 US & American Airlines
11:15am Employer Panel Session w/Q & A – livestream questions
Aviation: Raymond Middlesworth, American Airlines
Agriculture: Randy Cameron, Skyponic Farming
Climate: Dr. Reginald Blake, City Tech, CUNY
S.T.E.A.M.: Quardean Lewis-Allen, Youth Design Center
Transportation: Hersch Parekh, Port Authority &
Dwayne Sampson, Transportation Diversity Council
Healthcare: Arlina Almonte, Fidelis Care
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Time: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM EST
Location: Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation
1368 Fulton Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Thank you for your presence and involvement which will support the education plans of the school leaders.
Tracy L. Gray
Special Project Manager
NYS Assembly Member
Stefani L. Zinerman, 56th District
Email: grayt@nyassembly.gov
Phone: (718) 399-7630